Student Support and Assistance Program (SSAP)
The Student Support and Assistance Plan Program is based on the underlying concept that all children can learn and that environments conducive to learning can stimulate student success, focusing on the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs of each individual “off track” student. By allowing students to be in regular classrooms, the students are able to experience true team interaction.
Students receive direct instruction under the supervision of classroom teachers. The graduation enhancement teacher functions as a case manager who has a class period each day to write, monitor, and evaluate a student support assistance plan showing ancillary services that will be provided for each SSAP student. The student is assigned FEFP 102 (4-8) or FEFP 101 (1-3). Graduation enhancement teachers will closely monitor student’s academic performance and attendance through the access of myStudent. They will also provide academic advisory services, special pull-out programs, and communicate with parents of “off track” students. Each teacher serves approximately 100 students at secondary schools and 65 students at the elementary level.
Courtney Hagar | | Class of 2024 | Room 400E |
Kacy Short | | Class of 2025 | Room 300E |
Timothy Hicks | | Class of 2026 | Room 557B |
TBA | Class of 2027 | Room 552C |