School Counselors

A school counselor is available for each student. Students are encouraged to talk to their counselor about their educational, vocational, or personal concerns. Information on financial assistance to colleges and universities is also available from student services. We try to encourage students to self-advocate for themselves by first speaking with their teacher regarding classroom issues. Another good way to monitor progress is through MyStudent where you can also email teachers. If you still feel after trying to communicate with your student’s teacher(s) that a parent-teacher conference is necessary, Please contact the Mrs. Gonzalez (below) to make and schedule ALL parent-teacher conferences, as well as appointments to speak with a counselor.

Esteliz Gonzalez

(727) 774-4235

Student Services and ESE Secretary

Laura Johnson

(727) 774-4229

Juniors – CO 2024

Keri Vann

(727) 774-4308

Seniors – CO 2023

Donna Acosta

(727) 774-4230

Freshman – CO 2026

Amy O’Neil

(727) 774-4233

Sophomores – CO 2025

* Click on the QR Code to schedule an appointment

Dear Parents; The school counselors will soon be meeting with freshmen students taking the HOPE course in their schedule to present the Safer, Smarter Teens curriculum. This curriculum will be presented in a series of five lessons from September — November. Each lesson includes a 10 minute video, in-class activities, and extension activities. Students will each have an in class folder to store their lesson materials. Lesson topics to be covered and discussed are: (fully downloadable in PDF format)

  1. The Parent Information Letter
  2. Personal Rights and Responsibilities
  3. Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships
  4. The Problem of Sexual Abuse
  5. Dating Violence and Harassment
  6. Advocacy in Action

This curriculum was created by Lauren Book, educator, advocate, and Chief Executive Officer of the Lauren’s Kids Foundation, and implemented statewide at the direction of the Florida Legislature. For additional information or questions please go to and contact your son or daughter’s school counselor. Thank you, Your School Counselors