The Hudson Community Health and Resource Center is located at the Hudson School Complex. It was created due to the specific needs of the Hudson Community. The Hudson Community Health and Resource Center is a collaboration of community partners including Premier Community HealthCare, Metropolitan Ministries, St. Leo University and District School Board of Pasco County.
The purpose of the Hudson Community Health and Resource Center is to increase access to resources for students and the community. The Hudson Community Health and Resource Center will have medical, dental, and mental health care provided by Premier Community HealthCare. Founded in 1979, Premier Community
HealthCare is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) serving Pasco and Hernando Counties. During the first year of service, medical services will solely be provided to Pasco County students.
Along with meeting the health care needs of the community, the center will have a clothing closet and food pantry that will supply clothes, shelf-stable food, and fresh foods. There is also a multipurpose room that will have internet, a printer, and computers for students to use to enhance learning, create resumes, etc. Additionally, the Community Health and Resource Center will offer tutoring and community-relevant educational programs.
Services Provided:
Clothing Closet and Food Pantry
Contact Information
To schedule a medical, dental, mental health appointment call – 352-518-2000
If you have questions about the Clothing Closet and Food Pantry call – 352-760-9034
Department Contacts:
Deborah Helzer – Administrative Assistant
Office Number: 352-760-9034
Manny Mayor – Program Director
Office Number: 352-760-9033
Mark Clairmont – Education Initiatives Coordinator
Office Number: 352-760-9034